
Girl on Fire Song is Smokin' Hot

Bekah Hawker

Thanks to The Hunger Games Fireside Chat, I was exposed to Bekah Hawker and her song, "Girl on Fire" about our heroine, Katniss Everdeen.

The song is of "Sam Cushion" quality and is so addicting. I could listen to this song over and over and never tire of it. My favorite part is how Bekah weaves names and elements of characters and the Games into the lyrics in such a creative way. The only thing it's missing is a reference to Boggs, who was definitely a favorite character of mine in Mockingjay.

If your students have already read all three novels, have them listen to the song and find the references to the different characters and the story in the lyrics. Click on this link to listen & see the lyrics.
Or, just listen below:

Girl On Fire (New Recorded) by Rebekah Hawker
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