
Plutarch Watch 2012: Things That Make Me Go Hmmm...

So many fans are concerned about finding the perfect Finnick Odair for the "Catching Fire" and "Mockingjay" movies. And I agree that the casting of a good Finnick is essential. But I'm really not as familiar with younger actors as they are, so I'll leave that speculation to them.

But...if we are going to have a "Watch" for the casting of roles from the next two books, we really need a "Plutarch Watch" since he IS the man with the watch. (Bad pun, I know. I couldn't resist.)

So what about Plutarch Heavensbee? His role is pretty essential for the rebellion, right? He has to be someone who Katniss loathes, yet is very likable to others. The actor has to have charisma and a convincing craziness about him. Who else could play this part but Alec Baldwin? He's so likable, but can drive you crazy (in a good way, too), and would be the perfect person to rub Katniss the wrong way (besides Woody as Haymitch, of course...but she'll need another one to take his place in Mockingjay).

And doesn't Alec Baldwin just seem like he's a guy who has a huge secret? I can picture him showing off his cool pocket watch to Katniss as they dance in Catching Fire, can't you? And imagine him telling Katniss about his singing reality show idea in Mockingjay. Yes. I do believe Alec is Plutarch. What do you think? 

If you'd like to participate in "Plutarch Watch 2012," feel free to copy the image below & use it in a blog post. You can link it back to this post, as well.  Use this as a writing prompt for your students. Who do they see playing Plutarch Heavensbee or any of the new characters in the next two books?

Leap Day Sale for Teachers Wednesday

Teachers Pay Teachers is having a big sale on Wednesday for Leap Day using the Promo Code L2P9Y. This will be the only site-sponsored sale until Teacher Appreciation Day in May, so it'll be a great time to stock up on all those spring lessons you've been wanting!

I will have all my digital products on sale the entire day, as well. Here's some of my most popular lessons that you can purchase at discount (click on the image to take you to the product description):
The Hunger Games Trilogy Teaching Units
The Hunger Games Teaching Unit
 Catching Fire Teaching Unit
Catching Fire Teaching Unit
 Mockingjay Teaching Unit
Mockingjay Teaching Unit
The Hunger Games Visual Guides & Introduction Powerpoint Presentation
This bundle includes a packet of handouts for students, visual aides featuring images from the movie, student artwork, and discussion starters for various key points in the novel. Over 90 slides! Teacher's guide included.
The Hunger Games: Introduction and Visual Guides to the Novel
The presentation has several slides like this, which allow for discussions or writing activities.

Included in the bundle is a comprehensive teacher's guide to the slides and discussion questions, with suggested or sample answers. The student copy features a worksheet for them to fill-in-the-blanks during the presentation (helps those easily distracted students stay focused) and thoght-provoking questions.
The Hunger Games Arena Map Board Game Activity
Students can play this fun little game after they finish the novel (spoilers, so they shouldn't play before they finish!). All facts are from the novel. To help them review, have them create their OWN board game. That will enable them to review events, characters, the setting, and all the key elements you want them to remember. When they create their own, true learning is taking place.
The download does not contain the watermark, of course.
The Hunger Games Theme, Setting, and Symbolism
Includes graphic organizers, thought-provoking questions, and extended activities related to the theme, setting, and symbols found in The Hunger Games. Teacher's guide is included. 
This IS included in my Hunger Games Teaching Unit.
The Hunger Games Classroom or Library Posters

Need materials for when you aren't teaching The Hunger Games?
Try these...

Graphic Organizers Based on the Common Core Standards for English/Language Arts Reading
These graphic organizers are directly linked to the Common Core and can be used with both fiction and non-fiction materials. Each standard is posted at the top of the page so you know exactly which one you are covering.
Grades 6, 7, and 8
Grades 9-10
Character Tags, Volume 1
Also comes in vol. 2 and vol. 3, the free Simpsons Tags, and Glee edition

Caption It! Fun & Creative Caption-Writing Exercises
Use images to spark expository writing practice OR creative writing activities.

Creative Activities for ANY Novel, Story, or Poem
Includes over 75 alternative activities to book reports. Handouts and helpful links included.

Facebook Character Sketch
A fun activity you can use with any novel, story, poem, historical figure, or famous person. 
Includes Microsoft Word templates for students AND the new Timeline feature on Facebook.
Poetry Resources
A bundle of resources to help with your poetry unit.

Literature Resources
A bundle of resources to help with any literature unit(s).

Don't forget to use the promo code on Wednesday: L2P9Y
Check out additional materials (Shakespeare, To Kill a Mockingbird, Journalism, ELA, and Clip Art) here:

World's Quietest Pencil Sharpener Delivers

Quiet Pencil Sharpener for Teachers www.hungergameslessons.com
You can purchase the sharpener here: Classroom Friendly Supplies

I recently tested the self-proclaimed "World's Quietest Pencil Sharpener" in my high school English classroom.

I've always had problems with sharpeners. For years I had an old wall-mounted unit that butchered every pencil that was stuck inside. So I purchased electric pencil sharpeners on my own, starting with the cheapies you can buy at large retail stores for around $10. They usually burned out within a month.  Then I purchased a really nice expensive one (around $80) online because I was coaching scholastic bowl and we went through hundreds of pencils each season, especially when we hosted several meets at home. That one performed very well, but was extremely loud (impossible to use during a match or in class). It would also overheat and you would have to pause for several minutes to let it cool down.

So I have had a love-hate relationship with sharpeners. When they are working, I love them. But they never seem to continue to perform consistently.

When I saw the "World's Quietest Pencil Sharpener" online, I was intrigued. I signed up for the free classroom trial, and I have to say I am pleasantly pleased. It consistently sharpens pencils (most sizes, even those with the layer of plastic/paper decoration on them - which are usually chewed up in normal sharpeners). It also sharpens them with very few rotations. I was surprised that I could sharpen most pencils with as little as three turns/rotations of the handle. It was also pretty easy to attach to a table.

Quiet Pencil Sharpener for Teachers www.hungergameslessons.com
We had to mount it on the side of a table otherwise it was awkward to use.
Some of the things that I wish were different include the placement of the mounting hole. (We were not able to use it unless it was mounted; it was just too wobbly.) The hole is in the front (or back); however, ideal position of the hole would be the side. When students stand in front of it to sharpen, it is in an awkward position. They have to twist their wrist. Of course, it does not take much effort to do so, but I do think the positioning of the mount would help in those rooms (like mine) that do not have an ideal end counter.

Some of my students just jammed their pencils into it without using the pinchers to open up the pencil-insertion hole. Then, of course, they complained that it was broken. Of course, they had forgotten how I showed them how it worked and complained that they couldn't just stick their pencil in. To me, the pinchers are not that big of a deal - I kind of like that they adjust and grip each pencil to size. But these same students were the ones who tried to pull their pencils out without releasing the pinchers, thereby scratching up their pencils, and in some cases, loosening up the mount.

Quiet Pencil Sharpener for Teachers www.hungergameslessons.com
The pinchers on top to insert & release the pencil frustrated a few students.
It should also be noted that the sharpener is not silent. It is quieter than the other sharpeners I've had, but if you expect it to have no sound, you will be disappointed. It is definitely not as disruptive as my electric ones of the past and is slightly quieter than my wall mount. I do like the fact that it is environmentally friendly, as well.

We've been using this sharpener for a few months, and overall I am pleased. Have you tried it out? If you are a teacher and blogger, you can try it out in your classroom for free. Or, purchase the "World's Quietest Sharpener" on the Classroom Friendly Supplies website.

Quiet Pencil Sharpener for Teachers www.hungergameslessons.com
It only took a few rotations to sharpen.
Quiet Pencil Sharpener for Teachers www.hungergameslessons.com
Pencils came out evenly sharpened.


A Map of the Hunger Games Arena? Oh My!

Photo courtesy of www.HungerGamesMovie.org
As The Hunger Games Movie released a third trailer yesterday in HD, I couldn't help but notice this shot HungerGamesMovie.org posted on their website. I do believe that looks like a map of the arena, doesn't it?

I love this version. It's very high-tech, with each station having its own view, as well as the large view in the circle. I also need to ask those of you who have purchased my unit...how far off do you think I was in my depiction? If that brighter white spot represents the cornucopia, I'd like to say mine was pretty close. The placement of the lake and stream seem to match mine pretty well. Of course, mine is no where near this sleek and cool. But it does give me hope that they truly studied the novel to make sure the details matched. A+ for details, Lionsgate!

And, correct me if I'm wrong, but those do not look like the same Gamemakers who were watching over the tributes during their training, do they? So, are these different Gamemakers? Are they mentors? Are they...behind-the-scenes technicians? Or is this just how they look when the robes & wigs come off? What do you think?


Hunger Games Fan Alert: Get Those Movie Tickets + Free iTunes Song Download

DON'T FORGET tickets for "The Hunger Games" movie will go on sale Feb. 22nd (or tonight at midnight!) via Fandango.

Plus, for a limited time, if you buy a ticket to "The Hunger Games" movie on Fandango you will receive a free iTunes song download from the album, “The Hunger Games: Songs from District 12 and Beyond.”

How cool is that? So you might want to stay up until midnight so you can get those special IMAX tickets that will only be available the first week the movie is showing. May the odds be ever in your favor!

*If movie times are not showing up for your area, your area theaters may not be releasing them until later. Check back in the morning for an update. Some theaters are not releasing theirs until noon today.*


Images from District 12: Creating a Mood, Setting the Tone

 My teacher-friend Margaret Whisnant of Taking Grades for Teachers sent me these awesome pictures from Henry River, North Carolina. Since she was heading that way, she was thoughtful enough to stop and snap some pictures for me. Thank you, Margaret! 

Margaret, by the way, has great teaching resources for grades 4-9 on her website and TpT store. She also features five freebies from other teachers each week on her blog, and has numerous free downloads, found HERE. I've used her brain teasers & word activities with my high school students and they love them!
She was able to snap seven shots before her camera died and she commented on how creepy the little town had always been, creating the perfect atmosphere for District 12 in the upcoming "The Hunger Games" movie.

This reminded me of an important lesson in tone and mood when it comes to writing. I feel it is important because so many people are up in arms about the violence in this novel, failing to understand or recognize the author's purpose.

In a novel, the author will set the tone through dialogue or narration, which will convey a certain attitude, mood, or feeling about a place, person, event, or subject. In The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins, Katniss wakes up alone and seeks her sister's warmth, but Prim is not there. "She must have had bad dreams and climbed in with our mother. Of course, she did. This is the day of the reaping" (p. 3). In those three sentences we know that the "reaping" is not a good event; rather, it is an event that one might have nightmares about. The tone is set right away that something bad will happen.

Mood, on the other hand, is something the reader feels. The author will set the tone, letting us know how her/his attitude toward the subject, but the mood is the reader's attitude or feeling, which may or may not be the same as the author's. There are many instances in which the author does not want you to feel the same way.  For example, on page 3 of The Hunger Games, Katniss tells the reader about Prim's cat, Buttercup. Collins sets the tone for Katniss's attitude toward Buttercup by describing how Katniss tried to drown him in a bucket; we know that Katniss does not share with her sister the same love for all living things. However, as a reader, though I recognize Katniss's attitude of indifference toward the cat, I am appalled. My mood is not the same as Katniss's. So instead, I feel compassion for this poor cat that Katniss wanted to drown. This is done purposefully. The author wants us to feel compassion for the cat because later Buttercup will play a larger role in the story.*

When an English teacher says, "Show me, don't tell me" about writing, THIS is what she/he means. We are shown an act that makes us feel a certain way, rather than just told, "This is wrong. Don't do it."

Classroom Connection: Have your students look at the images. Then ask them:
1. What feeling do you get from this setting?
2. List details that you feel enhance that feeling or mood.
3. How would the mood change if some of these elements changed? (For example, if the trees were blooming, how would that change or affect the mood?)
4. Why is this a good location for District 12?

Then have your students take a closer look at the novel The Hunger Games. Then ask them:
1. How does author Suzanne Collins set the tone at the beginning (in chapters 1-2)? Give examples of how the tone is set for the following:
  a. the reaping
  b. District 12
  c. people who live in the Seam
  d. people who are merchants (or people who do not live in the Seam)
  e. people from the Capitol (Effie)
2.  For each of the above, what mood/attitude did you feel toward those places, people, or events?

You can continue this lesson throughout the novel, having students find examples of tone and talking about their attitude or mood after certain events. 

*A note on tone/mood (a.k.a. my rant to those who oppose teaching this novel; see the comments HERE):
Problems arise when readers do not recognize this technique. Critics will say that Katniss is cold-hearted and is teaching people to kill cats. Those readers are either failing to feel compassion for the cat themselves (which is alarming), or failing to recognize that the author does this on purpose so you know the act is wrong and teaches a lesson. This is not a new technique. Christians re-read the story of Jesus's crucifixion each year, which is bloody and gruesome. Do they read it as a how-to manual? Of course not. It is to teach a lesson of compassion toward your fellow humans. Even little kids get it right away. Not once did I leave church as a kid and want to go nail someone to a cross, even though I was surrounded by numerous relics depicting Jesus hanging on one (I grew up across the street from our church). If we truly believed that exposing children to violent acts caused them to be violent, then why on earth would we subject them to the crucifixion story year after year from the time they were born?

Thanks, again, to Margaret for sending me these pictures she took yesterday. I didn't think I could get more excited for the movie, but after seeing these, I am. :)


Hot Topic Hunger Games Merch + DonorsChoose.org = More Books for Schools

 Have you checked out the latest Hunger Games items on pre-order at Hot Topic? They will be released Tuesday and I can't wait. I am a sucker for all the cool items. I know my son wants a t-shirt, as well. You can use my new affiliate link to make your purchases.

And just a reminder: I'm sticking to my promise that for every dollar I spend on merchandise I will donate the same to classrooms on DonorsChoose.org who are seeking classroom sets of The Hunger Games books by Suzanne Collins.

Do you have a DonorsChoose project that needs funded? Post your link below so I know whose to contribute to!

Here's a link to the projects I've helped fund so far: http://www.donorschoose.org/hungergameslessons

Pinterest Writing Prompts

  When I first started using Pinterest last summer I didn't quite "get" the fascination of it. OK...so it's a bunch of pictures. Now what? But the more I started pinning images and organizing them on different boards, I realized this simple concept is genius...and addicting! I use sqworl.com as a visual bookmarking site, but Pinterest is so much more. You get a rolling screen of pins from your followers. You can share them on Twitter and Facebook. You can easily repin to your boards. You can comment if you'd like, but interaction isn't necessary.
  And it can be used in education. I've organized boards of images that I wanted to share with my students. Most recently, I've followed my fellow teachers who have created writing-prompt pins. Share one of these with your students each day, each week, once a month...whatever. Or, allow them the choice to pick out which picture prompt they wish to write about. Join the linky party link-up at The Diary of a Not So Wimpy Teacher's blog.
  Here's a great collaborative pin-board that Selina Smith from Classroom Magic and Kathy Wainwright from The Diary of a Not So Wimpy Teacher started with writing prompts: Writing Picture Prompts
  And here's a couple of mine you can add if you have created your own writing-prompt pinboard (click on the images to view larger size):
Image Prompt #1 
(Photo courtesy of Lionsgate Movies via TheCapitol.pn website, screenshot taken by T. Orman)

 Image Prompt #2:
Photo - T. Orman, 2011
WRITING PROMPT: Write about what you think is going on in this photograph. 
Why is the boy near the building? What are the objects in the air? 
Are they coming toward him or moving away? What makes you think so? 
What will happen next? Why?

  Are you using Pinterest? Do you use it for school? Share your links in the comment section below. You can follow me here: http://pinterest.com/mrsorman  I have several Hunger Games themed boards, including my newest one: Hunger Games Freebies Check out all the free lessons!

Thanks to Kathy & Selina for starting both the collaborative board 
AND the link-up party!


Things That Make Me Go Hmmm... Is the Absence of Madge That Big of a Deal?

  I've known for a while that the character Madge Undersee hadn't made the cut for "The Hunger Games" movie, thanks to my friends Savanna and Adam who pointed it out on an episode of The Hunger Games Fireside Chat.  
(Warning: Spoilers ahead) 
  Madge's character is the one who originally gives Katniss her mockingjay pin. Later, in Catching Fire, we learn that the pin belonged to her aunt Maysilee who died in the 50th Games. Maysilee was Haymitch's ally and the guilt of her death most likely continued to haunt Haymitch, as well as drive Madge's mother's--Maysilee's twin sister--addiction to morphling. Katniss realizes the symbolic significance of the pin doesn't lie just within herself; it is embedded deeply into the hearts of the people of district 12 and throughout all the districts, representing all those who have lost their lives in the Games, like Maysilee. Like Rue. And represents all those whose lives will never be the same, like Haymitch and Madge's mother.
  Katniss carries the weight of this responsibility into the arena with her in Catching Fire and knows what she must do with it: sacrifice her life for Peeta, the true mockingjay and voice of the rebellion. (Of course, things don't always work as planned.)
The Mockingjay Pin. From Lionsgate, photo courtesy of Celebuzz
  But seeing the "new" mockingjay pin story in the most recent movie trailer makes me wonder how this will play out, not necessarily in "The Hunger Games" movie, but in "Catching Fire." Will the pin have that same significance? Will its former owner be Maysilee? Will Katniss finally understand Haymitch and how hard it must have been for him to even look at her wearing that pin in the 74th Games? Katniss learns a lot about Haymitch and comes to understand why he is the way he is after watching his Games and his interaction with Maysilee. She also learns a lot about her mother, who was good friends with Maysilee. For Katniss, the pin is the bridge to understanding depression and how people cope with loss. Will this theme even translate to the big screen without Madge and the Maysilee back story? And does it need to?
  Books can have multiple themes and story lines, but having too many in a movie is often confusing. There's not enough time to do it justice. Perhaps this is why the books are always better than the movie: they go much deeper than just surface themes. The pin represents so many different things in The Hunger Games: Katniss's father, Rue and her love of music, the mockingjay itself: a species that was never meant to exist (a slap in the face to the Capitol), death, rebellion, loss of a loved one, hope, and on and on. Can we honestly expect a movie to be able to delve that deeply into all those themes? Granted, many of them are not explored until the final two books, but it is still asking a lot for a two-hour movie to cover.
  So, I think I've come to terms with Madge's absence in "The Hunger Games" movie. I just wonder how the story will be told in the movie for "Catching Fire."
  What are your thoughts? Leave a comment or link to your post below.


In Love With the New Hunger Games Tie-In Books

I received an email yesterday from Amazon.com letting me know my Hunger Games movie tie-in books (and The Hunger Pains parody book) would be delivered today. Needless to say, I was in heaven when I got home to see the slender brown packages waiting for me.
What can be better than coming home to find these waiting for you!?
(OK, don't answer that. LOL) 

I immediately started flipping through The Hunger Games The Official Illustrated Movie Companion, and turned to a picture of a roast pig. Yes, it had an apple in its mouth. For people who haven't read the novel that picture may make no sense, but those of us who have know that is one of the essential parts of the novel. Who would have thought I'd be so happy to see a picture of a pig?

The other thing that stood out was all the crazy Capitol fashions. Wow...this movie is going to be amazing!

So then I had to turn to The Hunger Games Tribute Guide. This offered some interesting tidbits about each tribute, their "weapons" (Peeta's first weapon of choice is listed as a spear...??), and detailed descriptions about their outfits for the Opening Ceremony (or, referred to in the movie apparently, the "Tribute Parade"). It also confirmed what a teacher from North Carolina shared with me in this post last August: the 12-18 year-olds in each district must give a blood/DNA sample as a "check-in" before the reaping begins. And we'll all be looking for Suzanne Collins to be collecting that DNA from Katniss and Prim.

My son is going to read The Hunger Pains parody first, so I'll let you know later what he thinks. 
These books were well worth the price and I noticed that in my March TAB flyer from Scholastic.com, the Tribute Guide is listed for $6. Looks like I will be ordering more for my classroom!

The Hunger Games The Official Illustrated Movie Companion by Kate Egan is published by Scholastic Inc., Feb. 7, 2012, ISBN-10: 0545422906 ISBN-13: 978-0545422901

The Hunger Games Tribute Guide by Emily Seife is published by Scholastic Inc., Feb. 7, 2012, ISBN-10: 0545457823 ISBN-13: 978-0545457828

The Hunger Pains: A Parody by The Harvard Lampoon is published by Touchstone, Feb. 7, 2012, ISBN-10: 1451668201 ISBN-13: 978-1451668209


Defending Your Choice to Teach The Hunger Games

  The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins is a riveting, high-interest novel that has the power to turn reluctant readers into book worms. I've seen it happen in my classroom and I know many teachers around the world have witnessed similar transformations in their students.
  So what makes The Hunger Games so much better to teach teenagers than other popular series like Harry Potter or Twilight?
  First, I love the Harry Potter series. But the early books in the series are directed toward younger readers, therefore, many teens view it as a more "elementary" series, even though the later novels clearly are not. But, that is their perception.
  Second, Twilight is targeted to their age group, but it seems like a "girly" series. I also enjoyed reading this series, but I can completely see how boys would not be drawn to it.
  That brings me back to the original question: What makes The Hunger Games better?
1. It's fast-paced. This is important for reluctant readers. Any long, drawn-out boring parts will certainly turn them off.
2. There's hunting, survival, high-stakes conflict, and some violence. This works for the boys.
3. There's also a strong female narrator, a childhood crush, conflicting emotions, and friendship. This works for the girls.
4. Almost every chapter ends in a mini-cliff hanger. The reader wants to keep reading to find out what happens next.
5. There's plenty of symbolism and allegory for advanced readers to find interesting.
6. The writing is good: Suzanne Collins uses a rich supply of figurative language and authentic-sounding dialogue.
7. The themes are universal: trust/distrust, desensitization to violence, hope, survival, love, war, and so on.
8. Inside each one of us lives a "good" and "bad" guy; it is how we act in difficult situations that sets us apart.
9. The "good guys" try to do the right thing when challenged; they feel compassion for others and act in humane ways.
10. The "bad guys" act inhumanely, reinforcing the theme that using violence to punish others or solve problems is wrong.
11. There are so many opportunities for comparison to historical events and topics, such as comparisons with the study of Western Civilization (Ancient Greek/Roman history), slavery, revolutions/rebellions, genocide, the Holocaust, war (pick any).
12. It can be linked with other content areas for collaborative projects or study.
  I could easily go on and on...
  Obviously, my passion for the series is apparent and I have not had any opposition from parents for teaching it. However, I have had some teachers contact me because they have. With that in mind, I have a free download for teachers with some tips and editable reading permission slips (see links below).
  I do believe that the novel is appropriate for ages 12 on up. Some readers are more mature and can handle it when they are younger, but I would not recommend teaching it as a whole-class novel if your students are younger than 12 or even 13. I teach high school and am able to have great discussions about serious issues related to the novel; I don't think students younger than 12 could have these discussions. Some certainly could; but as a class novel, I would probably wait.
  I also believe that Catching Fire and Mockingjay are geared toward 14 and up. The themes and issues are more mature (some topics of discussion include bulimia, genetic diversity, and nuclear warfare). Of course, students could easily read these independently just fine.
  You can download the permission slip template (in a zipped drive with a copy in Microsoft Word and a PDF copy) in my TpT store {HERE}. Or you can download it from Scribd {HERE}.

New Trailer, Photos, Merchandise...I'm In Hunger Games Heaven

Katniss Everdeen NECA action figure from Amazon.com
Katniss Everdeen Action Figure

  This past week was a flurry of "The Hunger Games" movie news, photos, merchandise, and of course, the new trailer.

  I can't even keep up with all the latest news, but you can catch up with all of it on my favorite fan site, Hunger Games Down With the Capitol.

  Lionsgate and the official "The Hunger Games" Facebook page also announced the #HungerGames50 contest - with 50 different websites hosting contests to win tickets to the movie premiere.

  Another interesting development is the new website in the TheCapitol.PN network: TheCapitolTour.PN So far, I haven't really gotten anywhere with the website. I am in Group 3, #7907. I have no idea what that means. I have a MacBook, so the download link to Internet Explorer 9 did not work, since it took me to a PC/Windows page. Has anyone been able to do anything with this site yet? I do love the panoramic view of the Capitol. It really is going to be an amazing movie. Looking at the setting, I almost feel like Katniss and Peeta, arriving in a shiny new city they've only seen on TV. I did think it would be more colorful, but otherwise, it is just as futuristic as I imagined.

  Other images that sparked excitement were those of all the new merchandise released for purchase or pre-order. You can find them on Amazon.com or through Hollywood Video. Some of my favorites included the following (images are from both sites):
The Hunger Games Mockingjay Bookends.

The Orange Backpack!

Hunger Games Hard Wallet Case.

Mockingjay Hoop Earrings.
The Silver Parachute Necklace
  There are so many more I could show you, but you'll have to browse them all for yourself. The boys in my classes had their eye on the replica bow and the girls especially loved the jewelery (as did I). I also love the bookmarks and school supplies. Will you be buying any of the merchandise?


  And, as I promised in my earlier post, for every dollar I spend on merchandise, I will donate to projects on DonorsChoose.org for The Hunger Games classroom book set projects, continuing Shylah Addante's Literacy Revolution. So yesterday three classrooms came a little closer to their goal. (And by using the code "ZONKER" at checkout, the "Doonesbury" comic strip people matched my donations!)
  I have a feeling I will be suckered into buying more, so if you are a teacher in need of The Hunger Games class novels, PLEASE leave a link in the comments below. I will start with the first links and work my way down.  They must be projects listed on DonorsChoose.org and they must be for teaching The Hunger Games.
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