
Make Sure to Enter Kleinspiration's 1,000 Follower Giveaway!

You can win a free copy of my Hunger Games digital download, plus TONS of amazing prizes in Erin Klein's 1,000-Follower Giveaway!

I am most excited about the autographed-by-the-authors book giveaway. I had the pleasure of seeing/listening to Donalyn Miller {Yes, the Book Whisperer!} at the Illinois Reading Conference a couple of years ago. She is fantastic, and so is her book. I wasn't able to get my copy signed (I just missed her) at the time, so winning an autographed copy would be sweet. Of course, there are plenty of other amazing prizes, including free software and an enormous amount of TpT items.

Make sure to check out Kleinspiration's huge giveaway and enter to win. The deadline is July 4th.

And may the odds be ever in your favor!

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