Happy World Poetry Day!
March 21st is World Poetry Day, a celebration to promote and encourage poetry worldwide.
As we begin the week in our classrooms, recite your favorite poem to your students and ask that they share theirs. Talk about why you like the poem, why it holds meaning for you.
If you are teaching a unit that does not allow much time for a poetry recital, have students write a poem (rather than a journal entry, essay, or complete sentence response on a handout). Yes, song lyrics–including rap–count as poetry! I always tell my students to make sure it is school-appropriate, however. If you are currently reading The Hunger Games, have them summarize a chapter with a poem or rap. Or pick out your favorite dialogue between characters and arrange them into a poem. Encourage them to use words in a different, unexpected way.
To honor this day, I typed a lesson and handout that can be used with your students today or any day. It is free and you can download it HERE. It encourages using Twitter as a way to spread the love and appreciation of poetry (or Poetweet!). Download my lesson so you can create a poetweet or twaiku with your students!
For more information about today, check out the official site for World Poetry Day HERE.
I hope you & your students have a great time reading, writing, and sharing poems. Happy World Poetry Day!
Chapter Summary,
classroom connection,
classroom connections,
Hunger Games,
world poetry day,