
It's Official: Gary Ross Won't Direct "Catching Fire" Movie

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Director Gary Ross
Photo credit: 
Getty Images via www.HungerGamesExaminer.com
According to several fan sites and Entertainment Weekly Online, director Gary Ross won't be signing on for "Catching Fire," the sequel to "The Hunger Games" due to the tight production schedule. "Catching Fire" is set to begin filming this fall and actress Jennifer Lawrence is committed to begin filming on an X-Men sequel in January.

How do you feel about the news? Personally, I think he did a great job and his involvement with casting was wonderful. If they can find someone committed to the books like he was, I'm OK with it. My husband says he hopes the new director won't use the shaky cam effect that was starting to make him a little sick while watching.

Overall, I'm not going to be depressed that he's not coming back. Lionsgate® did a remarkable job with all the other choices, I am sure they will find another person just as good, if not better.

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