The official Banned Books Week website, in conjunction with the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE), offers resources for teachers, such as their anti-censorship website (with additional links/help), and their comprehensive list of challenged titles since 2004.
• Using the list, read the titles to your class. (Do not reveal that the books have been challenged.) While you do this, have students copy the titles of the books they have read. After you've gone through the list, reveal that all of those books have been banned or challenged in recent years. Begin a discussion about book banning and why parents (and others, though most of the challenges come from parents) object to the material.
• Have your students host a Virtual Read-Out. Record them reading a challenged/banned book and post to the site.
• Show this video of books that have been banned or challenged in the past year, then have a discussion with your students, asking them:
- Which books surprised you the most?
- Which books have you read?
- Would a book banning increase your desire to read said book?
(Video courtesy of Plainfield Public Library)
• Download these FREE bookmarks and distribute to your students:
- "I Read Banned Books" Bookmarks
- President Snow's Panem Bookmarks
- I Love Harry Potter Bookmarks (The Harry Potter series is on the frequently banned or challenged lists each year)
For more information and ideas, check out my previous posts for Banned Books Week here and on my other blog:
Defending Your Choice to Teach The Hunger Games
Twilight? The Hunger Games? The Top 10 Challenged Books... (with Activities)
The Best Banned Book Pinterest Boards to Follow
The Best Book Boards to Follow on Pinterest
The Best Young Adult Book Boards to Follow on Pinterest
Banned Books Week 2012 (with Activities)
Celebrate Your Freedom to Read