
Random Classroom Images

Sometimes it's just easier to let the pictures do the talking instead of trying to write a lengthy post about each activity. So, I may try to do this more often, especially since I already find myself behind this year. I don't know about you, but I have so much to teach yet and the time seems to be slipping away!

So, here's some recent glimpses from my classroom. Most of these, by the way, are not necessarily educational activities, nor are some related to The Hunger Games. Just fun or random things I wanted to share:

"The Hunger Games" movie character posters: 
I have been able to fit 5 of the 8 posters so far (they are 27"x40"). The characters not shown are Effie, Cinna, and Cato. I'll either switch them out, or try to squeeze all eight of them on my board...though I do love to post student work up there. (I use it more as a bulletin board than to write on, since I mainly use my computer/projector for that purpose.) Sorry about the glare. That's why I posted three slightly different angles. 
I just had my little portable camera that does not take as good of pictures as my big honkin' Nikon D70.

Students were excited to read The Hunger But Mainly Death Games parody books. 
One even wanted to "double-fist" read. Oh my...

The Hunger Games movie tie-in edition was delivered this week. 
Yippee!!! Love this cover, but I am partial to the original.

Doodles on student work...I love these. 
I have one student, in particular, who is an awesome artist. His doodles are little works of art that always make me smile. 
(Actually, I have a few great artists this year; this student just seems to doodle more than the others.)

Like or Dislike???
I saw these stampers on Pinterest.com and ordered them from Amazon.com. I was a little disappointed that the ink leaked out of the "Like" stamper. But after a few days, it seemed to have dried some and does not leak as much. The students got a kick out of seeing them. I just hate using the "Dislike" unless I think a student will laugh. Or if they just leave it blank. That is a big "DISLIKE" when they don't even try.

By the way, you can follow my pin boards here: Mrs. Orman's Pinterest

This shows the leakage from the stamp when I opened it. But it is dried up and doesn't seem to leak anymore.
I will be posting a review about this product soon: It's the world's quietest pencil sharpener. 
My students have also been getting a kick out of using this. Yes, even high school students can be fascinated by little things like a pencil sharpener. I guess in some ways, we never grow up. :)

Feel free to post links (below in comments) to your classroom pics!

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