Are you looking for free activities to use while teaching The Hunger Games trilogy? Then you've found the right place! Not only do I have plenty of free printables that are ready-to-use immediately, but I have numerous discussion topics with specific questions to ask your students in my blog posts.
To find them, just click on the links below. You'll find these same buttons on my side bar, too. So if you forget to bookmark this page, you can still click on the buttons to get what you need!
But just in case, you might want to bookmark me now. ;)
And with the Olympics coming up, you won't want to miss any of my Olympic-related posts, connecting The Hunger Games with the events. Click on the button below to find my previous posts and any new ones I post.
Some of my most popular lessons, such as my Twitter Tweets (featuring a sample profile of Katniss Everdeen) are FREE!
Don't forget to download the free resource from for incorporating pop culture into your curriculum.