
"A Christmas Story," "I, Frankenstein," and Random Memes

Ralphie Meets Katniss - Click for more funny memes on www.hungergameslessons.com

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HAPPY FESTIVUS! (Yes, today celebrates Festivus, but I won't be airing my grievances...)

It's holiday break, so I hope you are enjoying some much-needed rest and relaxation, my teacher friends! As you can see, I have slacked off blogging this month. But with finals given, my grades posted, and my Christmas shopping almost all done, I thought I would have a little fun and make some memes for you to enjoy. Feel free to share, pin, and post. A link back would be great, but as long as you don't crop out my url, you're good. Enjoy and Happy Holidays!

Above, I thought I would have fun with Ralphie from "A Christmas Story" and Katniss from "The Hunger Games: Catching Fire." And below, another variation...

Katniss thinks Ralphie should shoot a bow and arrow instead of a Red Ryder BB Gun:

Who needs a Red Ryder BB gun when you can shoot a bow & arrow? Click for more funny memes on www.hungergameslessons.com

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Did you see the trailer to "I, Frankenstein" when you went to "The Hunger Games: Catching Fire"? If so, what do you think of the monster referring to himself as Frankenstein? English teachers know that Frankenstein was actually the doctor who created the monster. But according to "A Dictionary of Modern American Usage" published by the Oxford University Press, the use of Frankenstein to refer to the monster is now acceptable. What do you think, English teachers? Does it bother you at all?

You might be an English Teacher if you think it should be "I, Frankenstein's Monster" Click for more funny memes on www.hungergameslessons.com

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I also posted this on my Instagram and Mrs. Orman's Classroom blog. When I gave my students their final exam over Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird, it included a nice little typo. I was completely unaware because my spell check has already learned the word "mockingjay," of course. Had I read it aloud as I tell my students to do before they turn things in, I would have caught it. Instead, one of my 5th period sophomores pointed out the mistake when he asked me if he should write about Katniss. ;)

To Kill a Mockingjay? Click for more funny images on www.hungergameslessons.com

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This is for my Pinterest Grammar Errors board. My nephew was so kind to allow me to photograph his shirt, in which he had printed that he was his classmate's #1 fan. But they forgot to put the apostrophe in "Owen's".  *cringe*
*Owen's #1 fan #grammarfail

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Here's another image from my Instagram. After seeing a similar "Phone Jail" on Pinterest, I decided to make my own.
Phone Jail from www.hungergameslessons.com Click for more images

 But the problem is...
Overflowing Phone Jail from www.hungergameslessons.com Click for more images
Yep, my 5th period English class is overflowing. This is only about half of the students. Guess I need a bigger jail. (Disclaimer: My students all have laptops, so they still have immediate access to technology. During tests, however, I do require they leave them with me. Also if I catch them SnapChatting.)

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Happy Holidays from Hunger Games Lessons! www.hungergameslessons.com

And a couple of images to leave you to wish you a Holly Jolly Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and Wonderful Holiday, whatever you celebrate! And if you are a Festivus worshiper, here's something special for you...

Replace your Festivus pole with a wrecking ball. :) Same thing, right?

Have a Wrecking Christmas! Click for more funny images from www.hungergameslessons.com

This image was made by one of our students and displayed in our commons in December. 
I laughed every time I walked past it.

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Images were taken/created by ©Tracee Orman. All Rights Reserved. 
Images used in depictions by Lion Gate® Entertainment and MGM/UA Entertainment Company
Wrecking Ball Christmas made by an Erie High School student
Citation for Frankenstein usage: Bryan Garner, "A Dictionary of Modern American Usage", New York, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998
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