I have to admit my blogging has slacked some with school, so I apologize for my lack of posts the last couple of months. My class just finished reading To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee and I've also been working on a new novel unit for The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness (Chaos Walking trilogy, book 1). If you haven't read it, you MUST! A fellow teacher (thank you, Mrs. Cobb!) suggested I read it after I finished Mockingjay. Since all three books in the trilogy were already published, I did. And all I can say is...wow. Patrick Ness is definitely one of my (new) favorite authors. I have since read almost everything he has published and am waiting anxiously to see how Lions Gate Movies® will portray the movie for Knife.
In the meantime, I've compiled some of my favorite pins this week (or...from the past few weeks) and I promise I'll be writing more when I finish the novel unit and school slows down some. (We had parent/teacher conferences, Red Ribbon Week, and Halloween all this past week while teaching a full regular school week. I know you can relate to that craziness!) You can follow all my pins HERE.
Catching Fire Set Pics:
The Cornucopia from Catching Fire via www.thehob.org
The Chariots via www.thehob.org
Free Download: Truly Evil President Snow-Created Word Search
Hunger Games Pumpkin Carving Stencils
Halloween Costume Ideas:
Katniss & Peeta's Son
Hunger Games Arrows & Quiver
An Array of Links for Katniss Everdeen Costumes
From www.traceeorman.com
"Meme Guys"
From www.traceeorman.com
"50 Shades of Grey"
From www.traceeorman.com
My 5 seconds of fame in NEA Today's Fall 2012 magazine:
Reached...Coming Soon! (Who else is excited for the third book in the Matched trilogy??)
New Product: To Kill a Mockingbird Discussion Questions Handouts
New product: Expository News Writing Presentation & Handouts
Just For Laughs...
Oh, Scout...
My dog has chewed a student's paper before...
This can go on my Grammar Errors board, too: Did you notice the misspelling?
Reading can save your life.
Animals and "Ermahgerd" = Laughter
Dorothy and Toto Pun
Have a great week, my friends!