
TeachersPayTeachers Now Accepting Purchase Orders by Schools

Great news for my fellow teachers:
Teachers Pay Teachers is now accepting school purchase orders, making it even easier for you to load up on the most affordable resources and educational materials for your classroom. You'll no longer have to pay out of your own pocket and wait to get reimbursed from your district--just use the same process to check-out, only selecting the purchase-order option instead.

Take advantage of this great new way to pay, especially for those higher-dollar products, like my Hunger Games Trilogy CDs, which includes every single lesson I have for teaching The Hunger Games, Catching Fire, AND Mockingjay. I also have CDs for teaching Poetry, Literature Resources for Any Novel, and the novel To Kill a Mockingbird. All have my signature creative lessons that make learning fun for all students. 
 Of course, I have plenty of inexpensive and FREE resources, as well, in my store
Hope you all have a wonderful finish to the school year!

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