
If You Like The Hunger Games...Try These Book Suggestion Sites

Chances are you're having a hard time finding a book that is as engaging as The Hunger Games. Or Catching Fire. Or Mockingjay.

Try Tastekid.com for kid-friendly book suggestions.
So what do you do after you've read a series (multiple times) and want to find another one? As a teacher, I love giving suggestions to my students. But sometimes I'm stumped or my students have read all that I've suggested. I do like it when their peers give suggestions (see my "Good Reads" board). And librarians are also wonderful sources for book suggestions. When students have exhausted all the human sources (or those sources aren't available), they can try out these "book suggestion" websites.

To test them out, I typed in "The Hunger Games" to see the results. Then I typed in "The Age of Miracles" (by Karen Thompson Walker, which I just finished reading) to see if it would produce results. Here's a run-down on some of them:

YourNextRead.com - Same concept but has many features and can be connected to your GoodReads account.

What I like: I can connect my Good Reads account and utilize the site for more accurate suggestions. Also, the book cover "web" visuals are nice.
What I don't like: It only gives you fewer suggestions. Newer books (even Mockingjay) had even fewer suggestions. Plus, it recommended The Hunger Games and Catching Fire. One would assume those have already been read, so they should rule them out.
Your Next Read did produce some results for The Age of Miracles by Karen Thompson Walker, a relatively new book.

Whatshouldireadnext.com - A more simple search that produces pretty good results.

This list actually goes on and on, producing a nice long list of suggestions.
What I like: A lot of suggestions.
What I don't like: Newer books, again, do not produce as many results. But I was pleased that The Age of Miracles by Karen Thompson Walker actually produced results, albeit fewer.

Tastekid.com - This is a kid-friendly site that will give pretty accurate results...for kids. (See the results when I typed in 50 Shades below...) Thanks to my Twitter friend Jack McNally for letting me know about this website.
Tastekid.com is a kid-friendly site...obviously.
What I like about it: it's not just for books. Type in an author, song/music, movie, games, etc..
What I don't like: Newer books produced zero or fewer results. Also, it's kid-friendly. If you are looking for books for yourself, the results may not be what you expected (see above).

Do you have other book suggestion generators you like to use? Share them in the comments below!

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