
Inspire Creativity with Hunger Games Valentines

Novel Novice's Hunger Games Valentines

As Valentine's Day quickly approaches, why not have your students create unique Valentine cards, inspired by The Hunger Games or their favorite novel? This brilliant idea came from Novel Novice's excellent Hunger Games-inspired Valentines! (Check them out by clicking on the link.)

Use it as a class activity or assign as an enrichment project. Have your students create a Valentine that one character might send to another character, or use a quote from the literature in the design. This can work well during a poetry unit, as well; have students write short love poems on index cards and decorate them as Valentines.

You can find more of Novel Novice's literary Valentines here: http://novelnovice.com/features/downloads/valentines/ or here for younger students: http://www.mrsp.com/Activities.aspx.

And because I can rarely resist the temptation to do anything creative, here's one I created, Haymitch-inspired:
And another more generic one: 
Here they are in printable pages to cut & hand out. Works best if printed on card stock: